Papers of Zane Grey [manuscript] 1914-30.


Papers of Zane Grey [manuscript] 1914-30.

Novels, Shores of Lethe [n.d.] [ca. 558 l. holograph & typescript signed] and Under western stars [n.d.] [ca. 420 l. holograph]--Letters, 1914-30, to Douglas Zabriskie Doty about first serial rights to The rainbow trail, 1915; to Robert Hobart Davis about postponing a fishing trip; to Mr. Mcconnahey? and to Milton J. Lesser, autograph seekers [4 items. holograph & typescript signed]--Quotation, 1925 Nov. 29, from The vanishing American, 1925 [1 l. holograph signed. 16.5 cm.]--Photograph signed, of Grey [1 item. black & white. 14.6 x 9 cm.].

8 items.

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